Alpha 2 Release [Major Update!]

Hey, all!

First off, we wanna thank everyone for the continued patience! It has definitely been a long journey, but we’re happy to say that we’re reaching a boiling point! Over the course of the more-than-year since the last official update, we’ve been hard at work bringing our game closer to where we want it. And, while it’s still not quite there yet, the progress we’ve made has been steady and heartening.

Updates and Additions

Starting with some of the fundamental changes, we’ve added a completely different weapon system! As promised previously, we’ve introduced an interchangeable weapon mod system that should provide more interesting playstyle options, as well as more room for experimentation. The assortment of mods, while not 100% complete, is an appropriate representation of what we intend to be in the final release. Plus, we’re hoping to make them all upgradeable to provide a better sense of progression for those who want to commit to a single style.

Additionally, we’ve made strides towards providing a more structured early experience, without compromising on the depth we intend to achieve. A new tutorial has been introduced, the menus have been rearranged and streamlined, and the balancing has been brought more in line, providing a safer climate for new players as they learn, along with more appropriate later-game difficulty for more competent players. While we’d obviously like to provide the stress our players have been looking for, we’re hopeful that these changes will provide a better on-ramp for those who randomly find our game and decide to give it a try.

On top of that, we’ve recently added an infinite level, as per the request of several of our team members! Randomized and (theoretically) infinitely scaling, this new addition will still need several more balancing passes, but it’s stable enough to test which means it belongs in this release. (If you happen to give feedback, remember to tell us how far you got!)

And all of the above is accompanied by a huge effort on our Art team’s side! Almost everything has a new look. There are still several missing or placeholder models, textures, icons, vfx, sounds, etc., but they’re all significantly closer to what we envision for our final product. And best of all, nearly all assets were actually made in-house! (Aside from a few that are still placeholder, which will of course be replaced as we progress.)

Obviously, we’re still rough around the edges, but the main goal of early releases like these are to garner feedback so we can figure out what players expect out of our game. As a result, we welcome any and all feedback and critique; hard to get better without hearing genuine opinions! If you have anything to say about our game, a short feedback form is available on the main game page. Or if you’d prefer, we also have a longer form available here (in which case, feel free to skip the short one). Again, thank you for the support! If all goes according to plan, it won’t be another year before you hear from us again. (Sorry about that!) 

 See you soon,


Get Autothysis

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